I’m a creative, collaborative, and multi-faceted professional dedicated to creating opportunities for others and nurturing community connections. My passion for investing in the community is what drives me as a communications and outreach specialist, entrepreneur, multilingual educator, and most recently, charter school co-founder.
Up for collaborating on a project? I’m always looking for new opportunities to partner with individuals and companies that share my passion for solving problems, advancing innovative solutions, and creating positive impact. Drop me a line via my contact page!
A few highlights from my portfolio of experiences:
- Co-Founder and Director of Communications, French American School of Denver, a Denver Public Schools charter school offering a French immersion education
- Founder and Brand Director, Go Play Denver, a media company dedicated to supporting Denver’s arts and culture scene and connecting people to new experiences
- Mandarin Program Founder and Lead Teacher, Colorado Academy, an independent pre-K through 12th grade school
- Curriculum Writer and Teacher Trainer, Scholastic, Harper Collins, WeAreTeachers, Denver Art Museum, Denver Arts and Venues